The Myth of Dematerialisation, Sacha Assi & Thalia Kassem, Paris, 2018
Interface et Création
or inquiries on the future of interface design
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Things and fields will be looking at...
Smooth design versus friction design
Speculative and fiction design
UX design theory
Interface ecology
The myths of digital culture
From bits to paper
Misbehaving objects
Interface prototyping
Design Methodologies
Pais, F. (2018). From Bits to Paper. ABM Editions. Paris.
Pais, F. (2018). Le retour des Objets, Quasi Objets et Super-Objets. Fondation Gulbenkian. Paris.
Moles, A. (1973). Théorie des Objets. Editions Universitaires.
Baudrillard, J. (1968). Le système des objets. Editions Gallimard.
Tisseron, S. (2016). Comment l’esprit vient aux objets. Presses Universitaires de France.
Bogost, I. (2012). Alien Phenomenology or what it’s like to be a thing. University Of Minnesota Press.
Morton, T. (2013). Hyperobjects. University Of Minnesota Press.
Saramago, J. (1978). The Live of Things. Verso.
AAVV. (2004). Jouable – Art, jeu et interactivité. Haute Ecole d'Arts Appliqués HES, Genève, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, CIREN, Université Paris 8, Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine, Saint‐Gervais Genève.
Arns, I. (2011). “Read_Me, Run_Me, Execute_Me: Malaise dans le logiciel ou C’est la performativité du code, idiot!”. In ART++. Ed. David-Olivier Lartigaut, Editions HYX, [LAM] Laboratoire des Art et Médias, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 2011. (pp. 143-153)
Arns, I. (2011). Transparency and Politics. On Spaces of the Political Beyond the Visible, or: How Transparency Came to Be the Lead Paradigm of the 21rst Century. In Interface Criticism. Ed. Soren Pold, University of Arhus, (pp. 253-276).
Baudrillard, J. (1988). The Ecstasy of Communication. New York: Semiotext(e).
Berger, J. (2008). Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin.
Bianchini. S. (1996). “L’interface-conscience comme modèle”. ed Catalogue de l’exposition Post-diplôme, École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Mai 1996.
Boissier, J. L. (2004) La Relation Comme Forme. Éditions du Mamco (Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Genève) en co-édition avec le Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Saint-Gervais, Genève, la Haute école d’arts appliqués, Genève et l’Université Paris 8.
Bolter, J., & Gromala, D. (2003). Transparency and Reflectivity: Digital Art and the Aesthetics of Interface Design. Ed Aesthetic Computing. MIT Press.
Bolter, J., & Grusin, R. (2000). Remediation – Understanding New Media. MIT Press.
Bourriaud, N. (1998). Relational Aesthetics. Les Presses du Reel.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial.
Dewey, J. (2005). Art as Experience. New York. Penguin Group.
Flanagan, M. (2009). Critical Play, Radical Game Design. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Lovink, G., & Garcia, D. (1997). “ABC of Tactical Media”. Retrieved on October 2012, from http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00096.html.
Lozano-Hemmer, R. (1996). “Perverting Technological Correctness”. In Art and Electronic Media. Edited by Edward Shanken. 2009. Phaidon. London, New York.
McLuhan, M., Fiore, Q. (2008). The Medium is the Massage. Penguin Books.
Norman, D. (2005). Emotional Design, Basic Books.
Dinkla, S. (1994). “The History of the Interface in Interactive Art”. Retrieved on January, 2014 from: http://www.kenfeingold.com/dinkla_history.html.
Kyrou, A. (2010). Google God. Inculte Essais.